Downvotes duh
Downvotes duh
Does for 96% of the market lol
I use Windows because it just works
I lived in Paris for a year, speak french and respect people who work extremely difficult jobs in the most tourist-heavy city on the planet
I think I met three or four grumpy cunts in that year. Considering everything, that’s a miniscule percentage
Bear in mind these people aren’t being false-nice. They don’t rely on tips to feed their kids
Are the “top critics” all fourteen and freshly arrived from shagging my mum?
Who complains the most about the so-called french “attitude”?
Brits and Yanks, the ones that think cleaners and waiters are beneath them and need to dance to earn tips
Makes sense
France - treating people the same no matter what they do for a living.
It’s really nice to be respected even if you’re a cleaner or a bin man, and very much deserved
Hold on, I’ll phone the Romans and ask them why they didn’t make the pont du Gard wheelchair accessible
In my dad’s era, a bit of crumpet was something completely different
I love monkey puzzle trees! They look like they’d be so easy to climb
I don’t like trying to climb them though
My thoughts - Starmer must have an image consultant
And that image consultant told him those glasses suit him, and they just don’t
He needs a thinner frame so his face doesn’t look as pudgy
A pendantii
What’s the resistance of fuckin SPAM in ohms?
I challenge anyone to disconnect the water feed, remove the top part of the siphon, remove the likely rusted manky bolts holding the cistern, remove the bottom part of the siphon, clean the whole lot up where the foam ring has turned to mush, remove the old filler mechanism, replace it, plus the siphon, bolt the cistern back to the toilet, reconnect water supply, adjust fill height of both the siphon and the filler, then install the push button and test. Then clean up behind yourself
In ten minutes 😂
Bear in mind the guy you’re speaking to is a yank and their plumbing makes the fucking Roman bathhouses look modern lmao
The “whilst obvious hyperbole” bit is the clue. The two situations/comments/opinions are just examples, never happened and never will
It wouldn’t have mattered what examples I’d made up, someone like you would come along and go “wELL aKShULLy”
There was one user that was constantly creating communities for Japanese cartoons
Fuck me it was like swatting flies, but then I realised I should just block the user!
Ta-dah, no more suspiciously-pseudo-pedo shit cluttering up my “all”
To be honest, “citrussy” just means “We’re not very good at making beer yet so we just chucked hops at it until it was drinkable and called it craft”
They’re the same types that appear in comment threads with contradictory arguments to literally fucking anything -
“We should save the whales”
“Yes but my cousin got splashed by a whale on a boat trip as a toddler and now has a terrible phobia that makes her wheeze whenever she sees one. Do you want that, is that what you want?”
“We should plan walkable cities”
My theory is that they’re just unbelievably bo-o-o-o-oring, humourless people with nothing to add to a conversation but a desperate need for attention
As much as I despise the fat-tongued mockney, Jamie Oliver’s website is the only one I’ve seen that has the ingredients and method on two tabs so you can flick between them
Dunno why they’re not all like that
I think the average tory-voting fuckwit was really struggling to support Sunak so the majority of these goons will take one look at this lass and go
Probably a good thing then lol