I did a shell swap and now I have a white steam deck that feels slightly cheaper. Don’t recommend
I did a shell swap and now I have a white steam deck that feels slightly cheaper. Don’t recommend
I started Chronic Trigger! I’ve never played it and if you go through the effort to release your retro game on a modern platform then I feel like I owe it to ya to not just use a ROM
I’m 8 hours in and the writing and story is holding up very well! I’ve had to look up a few things when I get lost but it’s a blast!
Where’s the git repo?
Looks amazing, but I really wanted amd so I could make a chimeraOS gaming console
Blew up 4 years ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2svOtXaD3gg
It’s better. Yes. It looks better and battery life is noticeably better. Quieter, cooler.
Up to you if it’s worth it though. That’s your own financial decision to be honest.
Do you love steam deck and have cash to blow and want a better one? Then go for it.
Is $550 very important to you? Maybe hold off.
I’d recommend a decky plugin. https://github.com/ma3a/SDH-PlayTime
Dave the diver is a blast. The premise is simple and fun but it’s constantly evolving and building on what’s there with a charming cast of characters and events. Id highly recommend it.
It’s much easier than this. Runelite is available on the software center. After installed it will appear on the list of apps in steam when selecting add a non steam game.
Use the steam grid db decky plugin to add art. Make a controller profile or use community made. I’ve played a bit of osrs this way
I agree act 3 is where it will struggle. I lock to 30fps with gamescope, then fsr2 at ultra quality or quality with everything at low except for animations and textures.
You could go higher with framerate but this is smooth and works for me
Its a fair take, but the “game mode” where the is is running gamescope allows valve to do some magic that’s not super possible with the current big picture
Linus bad
I agree it sounds like your cooler is failing or not installed correctly.
Retroarch for everything that it will run well. Mgba on retroarch for sure
I got replacement speakers but that was not the problem. I do not see anywhere to get a replacement audio board or ribbon cables.
If you see anywhere, let me know!
I broke the audio on my steam deck doing a shekl swap. It has to be a hardware issue but i took it apart and back together again like 3 times. Oh well, i got a aya neo geek 1s on the way, im sure ill miss the deck and continue to use bluetooth audio
Better screen doesn’t mean higher resolution exclusively
I find you interesting
If you want direct play of the file, play around with different clients. Encoding 4k can be taxing on a system. Some jellyfin clients just don’t support the media format for direct pass through.