Currently there are three things that stop me from going Linux and two of those are purely software related (the third is that I don’t want to hate my work software anymore than I currently do). Is it vital software in the sense of it allowing me to work or bring me income? No. Is it something I wish to just use without fiddling after every update because I use them for fun? Absolutely yes.
The last month I have played Brighter Shores for something more relaxed (some would say brain dead when it comes to levelling skills) and
a game beta under NDA for harder stuff.
In the recent steam sale I grabbed a bunch of games, the last few days I have been sinking time into Shapez and Shapez 2. Building and optimising without cost or survival is my jam, even more than I thought.
This Friday Path of Exile 2 goes into early access and I will take at least a look at it, though likely start on Saturday.