Utopia (UK 2 season version)
Utopia (UK 2 season version)
Not too expensive.
Is there an AR app for warhammer 40k yet, to measure distances, get stats, roll dice etc?
1m Bullet chess.
I finally understand why gamers obsess about ping.
Before Google dominated you had a different search engine for blogs, mp3s, warez, link pages etc. You also had directories where the content of the web was neatly organised by topic.
Make sure you use the right type of search engine for the type of information you want.
Minimum wage and tax cuts stimulate the economy and reduce government spending. They are right wing policies. The Democrats are center right.
minimum wages, social safety nets, child tax credit, subsidizing more environmentally friendly energy production and electric cars.
Republicans have also votes for bills supporting all of the above.
So … shouldn’t German screws now turn to the left?
Temporary custody for future generations seems like a good moral standpoint.
I can’t see the moral arguments for keeping the items.
Original items should be returned, but maybe exact copies should be made first (at the whose expense I don’t know).
Depends if you were watching the TV and taking care of or not.
I’m going to assume the other person has that covered.
I’m filling mine with 4k baby shark music videos.
I think we need to know the average number of lendings for hardback vs ebook over a 2 year period. In theory, the library should be indifferent to the format being lent out and the costs should reflect that.
Borrow the hardback
The digital titles often come with a price tag that’s far higher than what consumers pay. While one hardcover copy of Cook’s latest novel costs the library $18, it costs $55 to lease a digital copy – a price that can’t be haggled with publishers.
And for that, the e-book expires after a limited time, usually after one or two years, or after 26 check outs, whichever comes first. While e-books purchased by consumers can last into perpetuity, libraries need to renew their leased e-material.
Totally agree with paying for recently written books. But are you cool with paying authors who have been dead for 69 years?
The base is also one of an “extremely limited number of places worldwide available to reload submarines” with weapons like Tomahawk missiles.
Open office is 10x better than personal cubicles