“Python for everybody” from Dr. Chuck. Has accompanying video lectures. Website PY4E.com
“Python for everybody” from Dr. Chuck. Has accompanying video lectures. Website PY4E.com
I am pro socialism and asking what kind of details is missing in pro-socialist arguments that you find capitalists explain well?
How is it a separate discussion?
What kind of details can you not fathom in a functioning sustainable system? It shouldn’t be more difficult than “more! MORE AT THE EXPENSE OF EVERYBODY ELSE!”
A very bad one if it requires switching off a large portion of your brain to find it funny.
It’s the most reachable thing. Markdown feels like a toy for many (not me) and people outside of academia look at you kinkily if you suggest latex and bibtex.
Being good has nothing to do with having to maintain your company’s code base that’s in Oracle’s Java SE 1.6.
You can’t just design your way out of a conflict whose solution is to change either the existing system architecture or change Java versions,
both suggestions will get you laughed out of the room.
It takes time to implement features. Execs and managers don’t want to implement the wheel and developer time costs a lot more money than security vulns.
That makes you even more wrong as 20k USD is quite expensive.
The caching is kind of mandatory as the sub-problems interact.
Yeah sure, better than pulling 1000Gb of node_modules…
Math people don’t have time to delve into modular code with the right amount of encapsulation/abstractions. Their money making is via testing hypotheses by constructing models and experiments.
If you want good code look at people making money writing code.
They probably wanted Streisand effect to take hold and screw this asshole Rajat Khare.
Lets just allow weed and see the same result without sleep deprivation
Indian courts are fellating the current govt. hard so complying with their orders is akin to giving their govt. a free pass to suppress dissent and arrest civilians under their notorious UAPA. They use their “enforcement directorate”(shortened to ED) as whips to keep people in line. ED and courts are the lapdog of their government.
Don’t you dare sully these greats by comparing yourself to them