Because half-assing the implementation is the way to go
Let’s deliver a broken version of accessibility in 10 minutes, that’s much better.
No, simply adding “colour filters” isn’t a fix either, and if that was the fix then a game wouldn’t even need to do that, there are plenty of apps that can already do that, a game doesn’t need to do anything for that (similar to how your screen warmth can change when it becomes night), reshade as an example of something that can do just that.
But thinking about the problem is ofcourse too hard, it’s easier to whine about it and act like you know how simple it is. But when we implement accessibly we do think about it, because people with accessibility issues deserve to get something that actually helps rather than the “10 minute solution”
I’m a game dev, so my perspective on this can be biased, but my honest opinion is if games are too expensive for you to buy, go pirate them. That’s exactly the situation places like Argentina are in now. Let us westerners subsidize the cost of development until your country gets back on track and you are able to buy more than just staple goods (40% of Argentina is considered living in poverty or worse).
This goes for people in poverty anywhere in the world tbh even in the West. Piracy doesn’t really move the needle much (but do try to support indie devs if you can)