Yeah but they were probably just wandering
Yeah but they were probably just wandering
I’m as progressive as the next guy and generally love the nanny state (who hates their nanny!?!) but this seems like something I’d like to have the choice to control - plus every appliance will just change to say ‘dont place in areas that are light sensitive’ or will just remove all functionality (a la “oh crap my phone hasn’t been charging cuz the plug died and I had no idea”)
Why did my mind automatically imagine the guy trying to find how to make farts edible
Think back to the moment you learned that copying was considered theft
Well copying is very broad… Plagiarism’s treatment as being both technically and morally wrong imo always makes sense. Plagiarism goes beyond copyright infringement though, since infringement only requires “use” of the material whereas plagiarism is passing it off as your own.
I think what you say is fair if not true - one difference (and I’m sure there are more) is these weren’t lands acquired by conquest/military subjugation, but rather by agreement with the landholding populations to live in peace. What actually happened was the indigenous populations were lied to in one way or another such that the European nations never held up their side of the bargains because of ambiguity in the agreements in addition to Europeans plainly lying about what was being agreed to.
I think this is evident in the ways the Canadian Reconciliation Calls to Action use language such as “call upon the Government of Canada…to jointly develop with Aboriginal peoples a Royal Proclamation of Reconciliation…[which] would build on the Royal Proclamation of 1763 and the Treaty of Niagara of 1764, and reaffirm the nation-to-nation relationship between Aboriginal peoples and the Crown”
Essentially these lands were never legally taken which is why the indigenous groups can/should lay claim to them. That makes this scenario different than a group being displaced by military conquest (which is technically recognized as a legal, albeit cruel, mechanism for displacing people).
Salt actually does more than add flavor - it also makes the water boil at hotter temperatures
LOL what an experiment. Iirc Gordon Ramsey said it like that on some segment about boiling pasta but I doubt he went to the lengths you did to verify his claim
Confused - how does not pirating hurt the company more? Wouldn’t it be the exact same outcome for the company (as when pirated) or is this kinda like when GoT was arguing their popularity is even bigger when you look at the number of people torrenting their episodes
Wouldn’t it be more like having one person seed the room and letting all the leechers stay in the room free of charge
Thanks for your service
Good email client
Go on…
OP was pretty clear that this was the opposite of their choice
It absolutely is worse for users because we can only find the content via channels that spez approves of - removing the content just means you can find the content to be unavailable faster than if you had to scroll through the ads
For the convenience of the sticky floors and seats so you don’t slide down the stairs - it’s a safety meausure
Whats the solution to the issue small startups would face w.o patents when the mega-corps just take their innovation and package it differently?
Whoever taught this can how to be a can failed miserably
Always wanted a “personal” website but felt I wasn’t creative enough to create anything useful enough… Maybe a wiki was the best I could come up with
Care to share what you use the website for exactly?