Totally understandable to want to have a kind of “responsible party” there. Public transit has a relatively high proportion of vulnerable populations, so you make a good point.
You didn’t come off as defending anyone. I think it was just one of the first times I’ve heard someone talking about having mostly positive experiences on public transit (in the US). For what it’s worth, it’s nice to know it happens lol. Hope they continue to be positive!
Yea, public transit differs wildly depending on area. Like I mentioned above, most drivers I saw actively resented this part of their job. To my recollection, the ramp was automated, but other than that the drivers would basically require you to ask for assistance and then huff and puff the whole time. Not all drivers, but a disproportionately large percentage. Would love to see that part of the job occupied by someone with more compassion, but you’re correct that with the current system someone would need to be there for that. I was figuring that if the vehicle was automated they’d have ADA compliant automated safety features as well.