Combat on Atari 2600.
I upvote cat pictures!
Combat on Atari 2600.
lol fair. My Subaru and I just migrated from Colorado to the east coast. Your description made me miss home.
Depends on if they’re going to abduct me or just shoot me.
Pictured: The moment everything went off the fucking rails. (2016, colorized)
Oh look at this guy with his fancy fridge that just gives away water!
They’re the only culture some people have.
Well they can always take solace in the fact that kitchen would be an interesting place to do mushrooms.
To hell with Panda Express and those places. The best Chinese takeout has a number in the name.
89 was a good year. I didn’t quite have bills yet.
This, along with velvet Elvises (Elvii??) are peak art.
Edit: Autocarrot doesn’t like elvii.
That’s enough internet for me today.
When I first moved here I thought to myself,”Damn there are a lot of Subarus here.”. The reason became abundantly clear during my first winter here lol.
Was a bit of a learning curve for me, having moved from subtropical Florida to Colorado the land of eternal winter. I bought a Subaru.
Ah yes I too am a gamer of a certain vintage. Duck Hunt was great. I also had the Top Gun game for my NES.
Super Mario Bros. circa 1987. I’m getting old.
The closing credits for ALF.