I love inside jokes. I hope to be a part of one someday.
Umbrage doesn’t mean denial.
Excuse me, what?
I believe Syncthing has been discontinued unless someone else took up the project.
Lose. “Loose” is for morals and what Monty Burns does to the hounds with bees in their mouth.
Even if that’s the case, the whole thing made no sense until you corrected it. Now it does.
Bro. Get a handle on the difference between “your” and “you’re.” Even if English is a second language, it’s worth knowing.
Now everything makes sense.
It does not work without PSN.
I run an IT team. Sadly, I know the mantras all too well.
What’s super annoying is that I only use my PS4 to stream Hulu or Mac, nothing else. But I can’t even do that because I am not signed into the PS Network.
Services like Hulu should not rely on PSN.
It’s not.
“debucle” is what happens before CF dry-humps you.
Because the market share is so big, everyone can use it, and everybody wants a fucking participation prize.
There’s actually a biological reason for this, believe it or not. Language and music “time share” many characteristics of both hemispheres of the brain. Language and music are processed in different hemispheres.
Read pages 20-26 of the book “How Music Really Works” by Wayne Chase. It breaks it down in detail.
You are just being terrible.
I’m guessing someone on /c/vegan took umbrage with the fact that cats are obligate carnivores and didn’t want to hear anything else.
Edit: I find my upvote/downvote ratio unbelievable for this comment. Astounding how controversial facts are.
We? What can “we” do about it?