Deutschland 83! Loved it. I’ll add Babylon Berlin.
Deutschland 83! Loved it. I’ll add Babylon Berlin.
I’ve watched this video, it’s great. I use less detergent now saving me money AND my dishes are cleaner.
We had better than a poke in the eye with a wet banana.
There is a better cover by AnnenMayKantereit, imo.
I don’t know what it is but I hear it at sports stadiums. Duh duh duh duh- duh duh duh-duh It repeats
Edit: I’ve just found out it’s called papas got a brand new pigbag.
Binging with babish. I am still subscribed but I find myself interested in fewer and fewer videos. The channel started as recreating meals from tv shows and still is that to an extent but naturally he’s run low on things to do. They’ve added other aspects that I just don’t care for like anime with Alvin. I just don’t watch much anime. I also feel like there is just less content.
Another is Joshua Weissman who used to do fermenting videos and curing etc. Now I feel like I just watch him make some bread buns and then he makes a sandwich. He’s made 100 burgers by now. Who cares. I enjoyed some other series he did like “but faster” or “but cheaper” but they always seem to end after a few episodes and he moves onto something else. I feel like I learn stuff from his videos but just when I’m getting a feel for a topic like fermenting he moves on.
I miss Cadbury nuts about chocolate. It was a caramel with a while nut in the middle. A bit like the purple rose.
A lot of the original versions of the brothers Grimm stories. For example Cinderella, one of the sisters chops off bits of her feet so that she can try and get into the shoe Cinderella dropped. I think the Prince only figured it out because she’s dripping in blood.
They are protesting because Tesla want to extend their factory and chop down a forest to do so.
I saw a comment on here I think which said that a big problem in parks which have bears is that it’s really difficult to design a rubbish bin which is simultaneously too difficult for the smartest bear to open but also easy enough for the dumbest human. These types of anecdotes make me believe that more and more.
I like to turn that one around and say: nobody says on their death bed that they regret spending so much time with their kids.
I recommend doing it about 30 minutes before sleep. My sinus will continue draining for a while after doing it which is harder for it to do if I’m lying down. Good luck.
If you have allergies and don’t want pills or spray then I think you should definitely try the nasal rinse others have suggested. It literally washes the allergens out of you sinuses. I recommend a neti sprayer as I get better flushing than the pot. The one I used is similar to the one made by “tone life” if you want to search it.
It’s not more efficient in how people want to get there. The people who stand and ride the escalator have no rush to get there quicker so they get there on time. The people who want/need to go faster get there as fast as possible. In your scenario everyone MUST be slow, no? What am I missing here?
Philip Pullman of his dark materials fame?
I’ll piggyback this and recommend teachsurfing.org
You can teach your skills all over the world. Get invited by institutes that need your skills. Run workshops etc. Or just learn stuff yourself from people visiting your own or close by cities.
They probably meant North Macedonia. Macedonia changed it’s name since there is also Macedonia in Greece which is presumably the southern part of Macedonia. There’s a lot of places like that in Europe. Usually remnants of old kingdoms. Tyrol is a region encompassing part of Northern Italy and Western Austria for example. Bohemia is another example which historically was a lot bigger than the region of Czech nowadays.
I live in Germany, it’s how people answer the phone here, often. Not everyone but a lot, no Hallo after, just name.
It’s common for German people to just answer the phone with their surname at work. He wasn’t being offensive.
I can get psyllium husks in tablet form. No need to mix it with anything.