One handed flails were never used in warfare. They were made for decoration. There was a 2 handed flail that couldn’t reach the user but it was still not very effective.
No shit ranged weapons were good for warfare but producing good arrows and bows was expensive and most of the time it was needed more for hunting rather than fighting. Plus it doesn’t work against shielded formations. The spear is still the undoubted king of weapons as a cheap and hugely effective way to outfit an army.
Guys this is a fake from a guy that makes gross food combination pictures. Same guy that made Pepsi milk.
That’s not even the first time James May won vs gordon. They both ate bull penis and Ramsey couldn’t handle it lol
Most likely the dalle bing bot that everyone is using now
Completely untrue. The Nexus 6p had USB C and it was available worldwide.
I don’t remember it being that bad but in battlefield heroes the weapons and upgrades you unlocked with free points were only temporary (like 2 weeks at a time or something)