You’d be first in line bitching that your TV fell over if they moved them in 6". Wall mounts are $18… buy one
You’d be first in line bitching that your TV fell over if they moved them in 6". Wall mounts are $18… buy one
Eastbound and down is the only reason I ever open the app
Lpt: of you have At&t service you get free HBO max… Atleast you used to and mine still works so I assume that’s still a thing.
The tv will pull out or the frame will pull out with a good tug. Make it happen don’t be afraid, worst case you just tell them it fell off and hurt your foot and you get a upgrade
How is bing still trying to make bing happen?
Like most of the fuckwits on here. How dare someone have fun, rabble rabble, politics Post, rabble. This place is getting as bad as reddit with these useless cunts.
Well off to the soap factory for you.
Look at ya go that 3 in one comment section, 2 more and maybe they will send you a ribbon that says you’re a special lil guy.
You must be trying to set the record for how many times you can comment the word “cope” in one comment section. Reddit is the place you are looking for if you are after that kinda thing.
Haha yes yes I’m the one doing the crying, not the commenters here that are gonna make an emergency visit to their therapist because they read the word indian.
Do you people have like a list of words you automatically deem as racist when you see them, or is it just all adjectives that exist?
The Lahey link made me laugh way to hard, I’ve been sick as fuck the last 2 days and I’m laying on the couch watching trailer Park boys with a decent buzz so it’s fitting.
Op clearly has never read real reviews…m post man on time is only 3/5 stars… Fucking amateur.
Yea that’s the one I have and love it. I just chuck in it the dishwasher. Probably not great on it but it’s over 2 years old and cuts like new. Pretty sure them make a non serated one.
Victorinox makes a very nice peeler
I really want to watch Mike judge’s tales from the tour bus but it is only on cinemax. I would have no problem just buying the seasons but you can’t, the only way is to ad cinemax to my already paid sub of Hulu. Fuck that
Neat, good bot.
this is a good video of you want to learn and hone good kitchen skills especially knife handling. Jacques Pepin really has some good videos.
Sketchy fast math says a 32" TV will be roughly 30" wide … Feet appear to be 3" in on each side which would put them at 24" on center… What kind of umpa lumpa ass table do you have? If that is your only option you can get a treated 8’ decking board for like $8, have Lowe’s cut it in half and throw it on top of the table to extend it.