Because people on Bing video or Odyssey are more likely to engage with Google services…
Because people on Bing video or Odyssey are more likely to engage with Google services…
Ah, wasn’t sure if they shipped with their own version of webkit for compatibility or invoked the system call. Unfortunate that it’s the latter.
Your question is worded very oddly, but to attempt to answer it, headphones (most) operate off of an analog signal from a DAC (digital to analog converter). In any analog setup you’re going to have some amount of signal transmission or line noise unless the two transmission lines are entirely shielded or entirely separated.
You may try a downloaded browser, they likely ship with a newer version of webkit than what’s on the system or in the store but I’m not 💯 and Google didn’t reveal any clarity on the matter.
If you’re looking for monitary returns, make a game not a mod. Otherwise you’re building your foundation on sand and owe the lack of monitary return on nothing but your own choices. Having Bethesda broker this is just a horrible idea and will lead to a cesspool of fraud, exploit, and death to genuine creative love works and passion projects. Not everything need be made for profit, and often it’s better for it.
They’ve implemented a prototype, but it hasn’t been brought to market yet, so we’re probably not talking about the same thing if I had to guess. I’d recommend looking into the cybertruck implementation of it if you’re curious, I do think it’s ahead of its time and will remain novel for a while. Also engineering explained did video on the Lexus prototype. It suffered some pretty severe input delay, I have my curiosity if the Cybertruck implementation has the same issues but I’ve not seen anyone mention them yet.
I don’t think the novelty of steer by wire will wear off until there’s alternatives on the market. It’s at least got that going for it if nothing else imo.
Probably hush-hush Google money. If they’re paying billions to be the default search, I can’t imagine what they spend to be the default app delivery system.
Imo backend FOSS needs a complete rethink with an easy way to manage one’s own digital stewardship. I’ve lost a ton of data to FOSS projects (masto, lemmy, etc) just because the random host I chose decided to close up shop. Not particularly the fault of the software vendor per sae, and while I do not wish to hassle with hosting my own entire instance I’d be happy paying for or hosting my own data.
Huel hot and savory is pretty good if you want most of the convience and nutrition profile, while still getting the “experience” of food.
Anyone else thinking satellite phone connectivity for non-leo constellations won’t take off simply because the majority of the user base would never see value in it compared to the cost it would incur them? Like, even safety minded Apple customers weren’t showing high enough adoption rates for Apple to roll it without fitting the bill themselves.
Arguably I think it’s happened to a few more than that, Warcraft 3 comes to mind in the launcher.
I believe this sentiment is taken not because of the actuals of the situation, such as waning work and ended employment, but because at the end of the day when everything is done and packed up it seems like the “boots on the ground” made just enough to scrape by, while the ceos/x suites fly away in private jets to jump out and golden parachute to their mansion.
Huh, my bad. I was operating off of old information. They’ve actually already released the sdk and apis I was referring to.
No joke, probably intel. The cards won’t hold a candle to a 4090 but they’re actually pretty decent for both gaming and ML tasks. AMD definitely needs to speed up the timeline on their new ML api tho.
Life will always be brief. It reminds us to focus on quality and live in the moment. Everything dies eventually, it’s the one trait we all share with every other living being and the cosmos itself.
It comes back if you give it time. It takes a while for you to move on from things like that. General rule of thumb is 1 month minimum per year together.
I think you know the answer deep down in your heart. Embrace the wall, live the garden.