Congratulations! You have received the ultimate sass award!
I’m with you
I mean… this pretty much sums up most lemmy users anyway
They sweat a lot
True dat
I fucking hate the word trope
Whether she has a personality disorder or not it does not excuse her behavior or give her a pass to treat anyone that way. You did right by standing up for yourself make sure you nip that shit in the bud and don’t allow her to do that again
Yeah that’s really fucked up dude I’m so sorry you’re going through that. They definitely don’t give a shit about your work performance to be throwing you around and all these different directions like that I mean come on. If I were you, I would straight up ask them what is y’all’s goal with my position? Because there seems to not be very much clarity about it on y’all’s end. Fuck them
Usually at work
Love your attitude
Hell yeah man I love you ! That’s what I’m fucking talking about !
Never ignore. It sounds like they were being a dick honestly
Girl I applaud you this was inspiring and hell yea you need to confront them
Imposter syndrome
Damn girl this was inspirational as fuck! LOL I applaud you you did exactly the right thing. Bullies need to be confronted on their behavior and told that it is not acceptable and will not be tolerated anymore.
You’d be absolutely astonished what grown adults do in the work place