3,000 motherfuckers work on COD with $200k salaries and they produced that bloated, dogwater mess? I need to change careers.
3,000 motherfuckers work on COD with $200k salaries and they produced that bloated, dogwater mess? I need to change careers.
See: Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan.
Don’t be willfully ignorant.
Obama killed WAY more brown people than W. Millions of dead brown people only matter when it’s not your team, huh?
Hard disagree. The process is fun, and everyone loves to eat, but the cleanup is drudgery at its basest form.
Been having a ton of fun with Granblue Fantasy Relink!
Ofc it will be, Ubisoft is dog water.
“Everything will be alright.”
Do what you must, I have already won.
I forgot to say IN THEORY again. My bad.
Just responding to the “scalping” quote. It absolutely wouldn’t stop scalping, what I HOPE op was trying to say was that it could be used to prevent Ticketmaster, or any entity like it, from charging fees on every exchange of said ticket.
I know I should know, but what is this scene from?
Oh I know, the joke I was making is that none of them were “decent”.
Decent girls? In the industry? Don’t lie to people.
Wasn’t this game supposed to release 57 years ago?
Agnosticism is the opposite of gnosticism. It’s “not knowing” vs “knowing”. Theism and atheism is “belief” or “not believing”. Take me for instance, I’m an Agnostic Thiest. I believe there is a God, but I don’t claim to know.
Gnosticism and theism are two different concepts and it infuriates me that every semi educated loser conflates them.
I’d give it 2. Arcane is number 1 hands down.
Valid point. Hadn’t considered that. Really stirred some self reflection in me and casual readers of this thread. Bravo.
Won’t tell you the what, but nah, I’m still here.