If you still got your CD Keys you can just use CD Images/ISO files to install the game and play that way. Much like emulators, it’s still legal if you own a legitimate copy.
If you still got your CD Keys you can just use CD Images/ISO files to install the game and play that way. Much like emulators, it’s still legal if you own a legitimate copy.
What I wouldn’t get for another proper entry in this series. Game came out like 20 years too soon. We have proper VR now!
Yeah this ain’t relatable at all. The only time ever spent a night in a hotel with a family member was when my dad chaperoned a school trip.
How are there more bronze medals than silver, and more gold medals than silver?
Me who bought AMD cpu and gpu last year for my new rig cause fuck the massive mark up for marginal improvement on last gen stats.
The only reason they were making a sequel was because there was going to be a competitor to their 10 year old game that would absolutely take the market share of this niche. Now that the competition died they can put the devs back to making a bunch of overpriced DLC for another 10 years or when ever another viable competitive game shows up on their radar.
EA knows their current Sims game has been a flop they had to make the base game free to play. They wanted a games as service model but 2013 SimCity had such a strong backlash they had to scramble to make it something else and hope no one noticed. So here we are with an underperforming game from a series that pretty much always topped the charts when it released a new game or expansion pack. Thats how bad they screwed up.
Did it have to be Ubisoft? Couldn’t literally any other publisher pick this up?
New rule, everyone is a puppy until proven otherwise.
I’m not against renewables but utilizing them as our main source of energy just is not practical for long term, there are serious ecological issues that have been sidelined because of global warming/climate change. Things like rooftop solar only become viable in low density housing, but low density housing is also not good use of land.
I don’t know to laugh or cry when I see peole quote the thousands of years waste storage of nuclear. That’s never been a thing, and never will be.
Land usage is what makes nuclear the most ecologically sound solution. Solar and wind play their part. But for every acre of land, nuclear tops the chart of power produced per year. And when you’re trying to sate the demand of high density housing and businesses in cities, energy density becomes important. Low carbon footprint is great for solar and wind but if you’re also displacing ecosytems that would otherwise be sucking up carbon, its not as environmentally friendly as we’d like.
If you calculate the cost of nuclear and include that you need to store the waste for thousands of years i
This hasn’t been true for decades.
High Level Nuclear waste, aka spent fuel, can be run through breeder reactors or other new gen types to drastically reduce their radioactive half-life to decades and theoretically years with designs proposed in the last few years. Only reason reactors don’t do this is lack of funding and demand for such things, the amount of high level waste produced is miniscule per year. And there are theories proposed already that could reduce ot further but nuclear phobia pushed by the oil lobby prevents proper funding and RnD to properly push those advancements to production.
I think the people who live in the 100+ countries that the game just got delisted, are not supported by PSN, and Sony, the publisher, failed to region lock the game from being sold into, are rightfully pissed a game they bought up to 3 months ago is suddenly bricked because a corporation lied and wants to force a ‘feature’ onto an exsisting game just so they can get better internal metrics on people playing the game to bombard them with more advertising.
There are several camps here in the negative feedback side. The crux, is that Sony, who published the game, is making Arrowhead, the studio that developed it, to require players to login using a Playstation Network account to continue playing the game at the end of this month.
Communication about this requirement was murky at best, with Sony never really saying anything on behalf or about Helldivers at all, in a PR way at least, and Arrowhead never said anything about it until the new update on Thursday. This has lots of people pissed off, some for good reasons, some for slightly less.
Those rightly pissed off, are those who do not live in a country where PSN is not available. The game was sold globably for 3 months, with player data available to the public suggesting as many as people in 140 different countries playing the game somewhat consistently. The bulk of these players are in North America, Europe and Japan of course, but people observing the stats through SteamDB have suggested anywhere from a few thousand people, to 50,000 to potentially 100,000 paying customers will not have access to play a game they rightfully bought, come June 1st. If Sony’s intention was for the PSN requirement to always be firm and realistic, the game should only have been allowed to be sold in the 69 countries PSN is available. Instead they sold it globally for 3 months and only yesterday did they de-list it for sale in the 177 countries who don’t have PSN access. https://steamdb.info/sub/137730/history/?changeid=23416542 Which is pretty sleezy to do without even making some kind of announcement.
Others, are upset because Sony’s history with being hacked and data protection, is sloppy at best. With 7 major leaks or hacks in the last 14 years, People are not exactly thrilled at the idea to put their info in the hands of a company with a subpar security, especially if some of that info could be linked to a credit card or other personal info that could be used to steal their identity. If you take privacy and personal data security seriously, this is could be a big deal.
And then there is those, who are mostly just mad Sony is trying to put their service overtop of steam, as the game clearly works without that extra layer and login already, so it’s presence really isn’t needed for anything gameplay wise, and just some method for sony to add people to their internal metrics or potentially use it as a backdoor way to throw more adverts for other sony products onto users who don’t already own a playstation. The late entry of such a service and not even making it a requirement to at least register it to a PSN account even if the login feature wasn’t working as intended at the time could have at least cushioned the blow here.
Ultimately, this entire thing is a PR nightmare where the publisher basically did nothing and sold in regions they should have known were ineligible for PSN access, made no serious comments on the game or their intentions, and expected a small studio to handle everything on their end with seemingly no support aside from the start up investment in return for the studio pushing out premium warbonds once a month to keep the income flowing.
80% of the game was already made in the form of Fallout 3. 10 years prior NV would have been considered an expansion pack, not a standalone game. Most of what they did was story work and added a few new things like gambling mini games and use the ingame editor to make new npc faces and clothing. It was an impressive undertaking but they still bit off more than they could chew
For anyone who wasn’t into Fallout in 2010 when the game launched: it was a fucking disaster. Crashes, broken story triggers and in some cases completely unplayable. The fact that it got 80 was a miracle and it was only months after their original deadline they got the game working. A lot of fans were also rightfully pissed DLC was beinf dropped before patches for day one bugs.
Majority of their pay was contracted on a bonus to be awarded if they for a metacritic score of 85 by a certain deadline after launch.
The game was rushed and underfunded and Obsidian wasn’t really up to the task resulting in a pretty catastrophic launch that took over a year to fix all the bugs while also shoveling out DLC.
They were decieved into thinking it’d be an easy job and missed the mark just like how they fumbled the KotoR2 launch just 6 years priorr. And lost their bonuses as a result.
My particular company emails contain privilege information and there is absolutely zero trust in letting smart phones aka roaming data leaks anywhere near that.
Not ruining the fun is kind of the point, and not all hackers and cheaters are benevolent, greifing other players in their game.
Further more, every victory adds to the score for that planet and factoring into the galactic score, which is the primary vehicle for storytelling to the community. Which the Devs clearly want to be a community effort of the players and also feedsback into how they balance the game.
So cheaters or hackers adding a lot of false data or win to that pool could result in the devs overturning new content, nerfing existing items or buffing enemies to put the difficulty curve where they want it. I don’t think many players would appreciate a sudden difficulty spike because cheaters made the game too easy.
Had a boss that refused to give me full time cause that would cost company more money, but would harass me if I ever called out. Would remind him that he refused to make me full time and didn’t give me a raise that year so I sure as hell wasn’t driving through a blizzard to come to work a night when I hadn’t been scheduled until 15 minutes before he called.