Winner winner chicken dinner
Winner winner chicken dinner had the front page downgraded during the Trump administration.
However, if you take a second and put in your ZIP Code and poke around some, it is really freaking good.
And it’s free.
Airline mechanics used to record reported problems they couldn’t find as:
Joystick actuator error
We will be watching to see if it catches on in the business world where people have to accomplish things rather than just dicking around.
As someone who owned a 1993, a 2000, and a 2008 BMW in succession, I cannot believe anyone would buy the pieces of crap they have turned into.
I stopped buying them when they started piping in fake engine noise into the cabin and dropped all pretense that the cars would last beyond the lease period (I don’t buy new cars).
It looks like they have gotten much worse.
Back in High School in the 80’s me and a buddy wrote a Z-80 editor assembler in TRS-DOS BASIC.
It was not rocket science.
The message is multi-factor
Why would a telecom company care what the content of the bits they are being paid to transmit?
The volume I can understand.
I don’t know if it’s possible to be an audiophile anymore. I haven’t seen a store where you can compare gear since the 1980’s.
I don’t know if it’s in your budget but I have had good luck buying Pyle amps and klipsche speakers.
The change the amps constantly
Not an expert, but I don’t think replacing the TPM chip is an option.
How did you run a memory test? Do you get a command line?
This picture does not look like what happens to a car when it is hit by a train
This looks like something that I would find extremely cool if I had any idea what it was.
This one was about that size when I planted it.
Copilot also has crap moderation built in
If they recorded at that speed for 1 hour and played it back at 1 frame per second, all the time since the Big Bang will have passed before they get through 40 minutes of recording.
Don’t forget us!