Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains.
It’s so funny to me how lemmy libs lose their shit any time they encounter someone to the left of them.
Whose Line Is It Anyway. Wayne Brady absolutely kills it.
dunno if it’s the same character but alt+130 has been firmly drilled into my brain from my entire Pokémon childhood.
Also why did they use Arabic script for the Arabic but not hiragana/kanji for the Japanese?
No people that post with a “hurrr durrr you don’t like theft fight me” attitude are children.
It took several posts for you to admit art theft is bad. Which one of us doesn’t like theft, again?
You’ve misunderstood basic words, jumped to conclusions, and are now irate.
“u mad bro” wow another great argument, damn you’re knocking it out of the park.
Like I don’t… I don’t know what the heck this is supposed to mean?
But I’m the one struggling to understand basic words lmao.
My best bet right now is to assume you’re a child by the way you’re responding
As opposed to the totally mature way you’re responding, which is *checks notes* telling the other user he doesn’t understand words, calling him mad, and constantly accusing him of being a child. Wow I sure am glad there’s a real adult in the room.
Anyway at this point you’re just calling everyone who disagrees with you a child and refusing to actually engage with the argument, so I’m not going to waste my time any further. Have a loser.
Are you an actual 14 year old? Jesus who hurt you this badly?
“Everyone who disagrees with me must be a child. There’s no way anyone could possibly disagree with me about anything.” Damn what an original, well-reasoned argument.
Ok here you go, I have no opposition to condemning artwork theft. It is wrong and should not happen.
Finally dragged out of you after two posts of you crying hard about something objectively less worse.
At the same time encouraging others to break the law and steal is also wrong and a shit head move to do.
At the same time only one of those things you shit your pants about.
Dios mío 🤣🥸
Take this bullshit back to reddit. Engage with the argument or fuck off.
You’re still crying about people shoplifting yet you still haven’t condemned the artwork theft. Reading between the lines and calling out your bullshit isn’t “making things up,” buddy.
When stealing someone’s artwork is completely legal but fighting back against it by stealing from them is against the law, maybe “the law” is just a bunch of worthless bourgeoisie bullshit. Stealing from thieves is objectively cool. Die mad about it.
You’re more upset by shoplifting than by the unethical theft and exploitation of someone else’s artistic work, so yes, you did say that.
Yet companies stealing people’s art and selling it for a profit doesn’t seem to bother you.
Full time work.
Also love how they’re all going to make a cheaper plan with ads so they can either double dip or push you towards the more expensive plan. Nothing but making things shittier for the end user, love that innovation.
I mean you could try expanding your horizons a little bit and learning about other instances instead of being so scared of every opposing viewpoint on the internet. I promise you we aren’t anywhere near as bad as the libs across lemmy grumble about.
But like others have said there’s currently no built in lemmy way to do it. If you’re using uBlock Origin, you can go into the options (with the gears), go into the My filters tab, and add this line to the bottom:
lemm.ee##div.post-listing > div:nth-child(2) > article:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(3) > a:nth-child(2) > span:has-text(@hexbear.net):upward(8)
It won’t exactly block it but it’ll filter out any Hexbear posts from your page when it loads so you don’t see them. You can replace the lemm.ee
at the beginning with another instance and it should continue to work elsewhere, as long as there aren’t any major changes to the front end.
If you aren’t using uBlock then idk how you’re even getting through life.
He usually went by “Ronald Reagan”
I think it’ll be cool in like, 50 years once the technology is there. Right now all it does is kill monkeys.
RIP my inbox.
Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!