The lengths Ppl will go to in order to not use a GUI… I haven’t written a git command in a terminal in years.
Learnt how it works, played around with it then used different GUI tools for it.
The lengths Ppl will go to in order to not use a GUI… I haven’t written a git command in a terminal in years.
Learnt how it works, played around with it then used different GUI tools for it.
Pretty sure it would be illegal to just fire them. (NL/EU regulations)
Fallout New Vegas was made by Obsidian
People, no matter the inteligence or schooling, are more likely to believe what they hear more often. (If 10 people you know swear that eating mint will keep you from going bald it might just be true)
This makes sense and is normal, at least until the modern world.
Now add social media and an algorithm that its only purpose is to increase clicks/likes/interactions. Suddenly everything everyone is talking about is whatever you clicked on last time. A positive feedback loop occurs. The more videos you look at on the same topic, the more those get served, the more you view them, the more you believe them.
Experiment : Try creating a brand new Google account and watching 3 videos on YouTube on a single topic. Refresh YouTube page, or check back tomorrow.
I think it’s das Mädchen because it’s a sort of diminutive (by use of chen). But it’s been a while since I studied German.
Relay is an amazing app. Very smooth. And this is a good solution for his app to survive.
But besides the fact that almost all of the money will be going to Reddit. Everything you do on the app makes calls to the API, including voting. And each vote is equal to one call, just as much getting a batch of comments for a post, or getting a batch of posts.
So the best way to keep your API calls low is to not vote on any post or comment.
Maybe the dev will optimize this somehow by maybe batching votes and sending them at a later date, but you can see how the current situation, made possible by reddit, will decrease engagement.
Edge is based off chromium, same “engine” that powers Chrome. As most browsers are.
I suppose somebody, who didn’t like what you posted at one point, went through the trouble of down voting all your comments/posts regardless if their content.
Is it just me or are Twitter, Reddit, and now Google, scrambling to lock their doors to any entities trying to scrape the web for new AI datasets?
All these hugely unpopular decisions, taken on short notice, that may be fatal to their platforms, seem to be more like knee jerk reactions to protect their treasure hoards of possible AI input data.
Careful of Lumbago with that much workin’
Isn’t obsidian closed source? I see that only their core plugins are open source.
Wow, that’s crazy! They should make a movie about it!
Someone doesn’t let the memes be dreams.
No officer, I use it to cover the lights on electronics in my hotel room. Honest!
I hope the game is easily modable. The STALKER Gamma pack was very deep and awesome to play.