Spotify’s shuffle technique: play the same 5 or 6 songs in a row on a given playlist every time you play it on shuffle despite the literal hundreds of ither songs to pick from
Spotify’s shuffle technique: play the same 5 or 6 songs in a row on a given playlist every time you play it on shuffle despite the literal hundreds of ither songs to pick from
Nothing like the old wine/butter aisle
I don’t think he’s been vocal one way or another about piracy, but i wouldn’t be surprised if he appointed a fresh group of jackoffs with something to prove
That looks like an amazing spread for a viewing party. Next time invite me over and we’ll go fuckin wild
Yeah, so there isn’t any need to fling one’s entire self forward when standing from a poop so I don’t see this as a problem unless OP is a giraffe or just really bad at standing up…
The one on the right looks like a 14 pin molex connector. You can buy the plug by itself and make a connector, but finding the pinout is going to be a bitch. As for the one on top, it looks like maybe a USB2.0 motherboard socket.
Scrap mechanic was originally creative only and has a very detailed building system, with the addition of circuitry and moving parts
Worlds Adrift. It was shut down by the creators partly due to funding another project but also partly because the serverside was built on a proprietary OS that isn’t supported anymore so there weren’t any options other than re-building it from the ground up
Bluetooth gets a normal plain text device name, and many of then are default. Knowing “Steve’s S20 FE” is near by is more useful, especially when farming that information from tens of thousands of tv’s and cross referencing that with other factors like income demographics for a given area.
Tv companies use those features to collect advertising metrics. While the BT can’t connect with anything on it’s own, it can see things like what other bluetooth devices are near by and how often.
It’s a lot to take in at first, but the problem isn’t that you’re really doing something wrong or that you’re lacking some piece of information. You just need to actually write more code. It will help you understand why something is set up the way that it is, and also help things make a lot more sense. Once you have that foundation of experience, a lot of other things fall into place on their own for lack of a better explanation. In other words: practice makes perfect
The devil.
The USS Crawlspace!
Well you can’t say all that without saying what the prank was!
I was at a publix buying a cake some years ago and the guy scanning it flipped the whole fucking thing upside down to scan the barcode underneath. It was a cake massacre
Appreciate your brother. You’ve only got a few more years with him.
Just look through the product info and make absolutely sure it’s not a “Bad IMEI” phone. These are usually stolen phones laundered through china, and will not connect with most regular carriers in the US (or in much of the EU)
Bar fight becomes car fight
Could be a failing harddrive/ssd. Often times games will load a shitload of assets right after the intro cutscene, and hit the storage for a bunch of shit. Try installing a game to a different storage device (a flashdrive would be slow but if it has enough space it should work as a test) and see if the issue persists.
I don’t know this for sure, but I think it’s something along the lines of certain record companies can pay to have their artists played more often than others so when you start a playlist on shuffle it’s biased toward those higher “tier” songs. I think caches also plays into it to a degree, but it’s definitely not just an issue with a lack of randomness. I think they do the same thing with the “AI DJ” which will play completely irrelevant songs to your tastes in a small group and then go back to normal at intervals. “Hey this is your DJ X, you just heard Kat Stevens so now I’m gonna play Kendrick Lamar (which you’ve never once played willingly) and I’ll be following that with a few other things that are currently being promoted”