Is that just a backup of the old one or does it still get updated?
Is that just a backup of the old one or does it still get updated?
Oh I didn’t know that. But yeah I don’t have BIOS access, even if it was a registry key I couldn’t do it. It’s fine though, for now I always plug in another mouse/keyboard/monitor and forget that laptop exists.
I could get used to it just for control, but pressing ctrl-shift without fn is very awkward, especially since it’s a shortcut I have to use a lot. And then there’s the fact that I unlearn it everyday with my keyboard at home.
Years after using one for work, I still cannot get used to having Ctrl not being the leftmost key.
That’s fair, it’s personal preference I suppose. If ever you’re interested, remember that there are always cheats/mods that can make the game easier if you want to experience the world and story.
They don’t have to be, I feel like their reputation might be what stresses newcomers to the genre more than the game itself.
I played it when it came out and while it was a fun playthrough and I’m glad I played, it’s nowhere near factorio on replayability. It also feels a lot more shallow, like they put more time into the visuals rather than actual game mechanics. And in the end what killed it for me was the performance. On factorio you can still have decent fps/ups in a 1k hour megabase, satisfactory in the other hand gives up pretty quickly. Mod support is great compared to most games, but doesn’t really come close to factorio.
Which is fine, only it might confuse whoever then has to maintain your code.
n is genrally the max though. “From i=0 to n” is used in math all the time.
Which I believe doesn’t work on all GPUs.
Not anymore though. 10 years ago, sure, but now you’re forced to either bundle it with phone and cable for a reasonable price(for internet, you’re still buying 2 other things you might not need) or buy the minimum of 60mbps at a premium. And this is in a town of 500 people half an hour away from the nearest city. 15 years ago there was straight up no internet there.
According to the gnome website ( gnome still uses a software cursor. Only KDE of all wayland projects has a hardware cursor with NVIDIA, while it AMD has it everywhere.
Or at least run it in the test database first.
Or run your updates/deletes as select first.
Cooked onions are fine, but raw red onions in salads give me terrible headaches, I always feel bad picking them out.
Dunno why you’re getting downvoted. The game is awesome, great lore and story, great combat, great enemy design and much more. However, while the first ulcerated tree spirit is kinda cool. The 10th, isn’t as much.
I’m reading this at night though. Think of all the poor souls that will get flashbanged in the next few hours.
Most websites use them. Smaller file -> less bandwidth -> lower costs.
There are plenty of places where not having a car isn’t even a possibility. If I didn’t have a car, not only would I be unable to work, I’d probably also starve to death, or perhaps have to eat gas station food the rest of my life.