There are some mods that help with a homesteading experience, but the games themselves are more about commercial farming. Also there are certainly things unaccounted for
There are some mods that help with a homesteading experience, but the games themselves are more about commercial farming. Also there are certainly things unaccounted for
Ironic considering how he treated his first daughter.
We aren’t. Op is saying we should use this instead of the template with Steven crowder cause Steven crowder is a piece of shit.
I have an 34inch ultrawide as my main, and two 27inch screens, one above and one to the side. It’s pretty awesome, play a game or do some work on the main monitor, videos, web pages, instructions in the right, and discord or other pages on the top.
See I like that idea better, I like solving like logic puzzles and word puzzles and stuff, but like I have never liked jigsaws cause it’s like ‘hey it’s the same thing on the box but it has grooves in it now.’
So yeah it would be neat to put it together and then see the differences.
Same, I waited till I was 27, I’m happy I’m finally there, but it woulda been nice to start 10 years earlier, woulda been a lot better for me mentally especially.
It doesn’t say that though, it says it’s under the ‘assistant lock screen’ settings page now rather than the blutooth device page.
What are you saying can’t use it with blutooth, the update just says it will be used by default if you have a blutooth device connected.
Really? I thought the prequel/reboot trilogy was great. A beautiful game with a lot of great gameplay.
I mean shadow of the tomb raider is only like 6 years old. Which isn’t that crazy long ago.
One of the reasons I actually stayed with WMR headsets like the reverb g2. Unfortunately they aren’t making any new ones going forward, but the headset is great!
Oh gotcha, well it’s a good thing I can use my brother-in-laws account lol.
Oh so like just the 60th anniversary then.
Isn’t Dr. Who on Max? That’s where I’ve been watching it.
Please don’t associate my community with that. I don’t want to be compared to the soldier who would put that on their truck.
That’s just not true.
Much easier to not fart than it is not to sneeze, and sneezes don’t smell like shit.
My family has never been financially in a good place, but especially when I was still very young. From what I understood my grandmother had a friend who owned a blueberry farm, and one day my mother brought home a giant thing chock full of blueberries. Deal was we could wash, package, and freeze them. Then we could have blueberries all year.
We went to work, though my help at that age was largely superficial, but we filled most of our freezer and all of a rolling cooler which was going to my grandparents. All washed in the colander and packaged in ziploc.
The other thing my parents would do was make enough dinner for the whole week. They both worked, my dad had 3 jobs at somepoint, and I often went with my mom to hers. So when we all got home it was easy to just nuke whatever had been made rather than make it then.
This week’s dinner was mac’n’cheese and hot dogs, yum right! Except no, my mother forgot to wash out the colander and it was all blueberry flavored. One week of blueberry flavored mac’n’cheese was enough for me to grow a healthy distaste for blueberries.