Hurray! Thanks!
Just a guy, doin’ stuff.
Hurray! Thanks!
Sorry, it was the 7th last year. I forgot it falls on the first Monday of August each year.
It’s a civic holiday that celebrates the founding of Halifax and Dartmouth, but all of Nova Scotia now celebrates it as a civic holiday. Most provinces have their own version falling on the same day, but as a Nova Scotian, I’m biased. The Nova Scotia flag or our tartan patterned onto the Lemmy symbol would be a way to go. The bluenose, and Peggy’s Cove lighthouse are also well known icons, but probably harder to incorporate. You could also go with a blue nose, as we’re known as Blue Nosers (named after a potato), but that might be confusing.
Natal Day, the first Monday of August to celebrate Nova Scotia. Pay no mind to those other provinces’ celebrations on the same day.
*edited for spelling + corrected date.
Sir/maam, you’ve raised a Psychopath.