Genocide. Genocide. The fucking word is genocide. Fine reporting I guess but if the publication is going to directly allude to camps, they might as well use the goddamn correct term.
Genocide. Genocide. The fucking word is genocide. Fine reporting I guess but if the publication is going to directly allude to camps, they might as well use the goddamn correct term.
For directories, it’s permission to cd
into it. Read is whether you can list files, and write is remove, rename, or create new files. Don’t ask questions about the secret sticky bit
A little ways back in the line, for privately owning a general-purpose computing device
My issue is how they are both saying the same words, as if the stances are equivalent. They are not.
The most beautiful language. Why doesn’t every language have pipes?
Notice me, void-senpai!
Sounds like a crock of shit to me.
How does anyone have the impression that the UAE is anything other than incredibly corrupt and fucking medieval?
Little tip, since it’s an Electron app, you can reload the view with ctrl-R (cmd-R) on Mac. Saves you a trip to re-open, usually.
He’s the answer to the question in Mad Max: Fury Road. Obviously he had and has a lot of help, but so much comes back to him.
I see good trigger discipline, I upvote.
This is brilliant and I am going to use it.
“After this brutal belittling, gaslighting, and sexual harassment, you’re gonna have a lot of baggage. And the best way to carry it? The LTT backpack!”
Well, you can just ram them out of the way with your firetruck. Obviously that’s not a great option either, but if the FD does that then any damages are on the robot-taxi company.
Ding ding ding! We have a safe mode of robot transit: trains. See, we know exactly where they will go because they run on rails. Literally.
I have seem this exact scenario, in the 90s, at I think the Dead Milkmen’s final show. It was such an iconic moment. Glad to know it wasn’t a one-off!
Observation is one I really enjoyed. Mild puzzling, tension but not really the sort that kills you, and a fun, mind-bending story. Also the title track is just amazing.
Depends on your goal. If you want maximum sound attenuation, you can’t really beat cheap foamies, which are rated up to about 40 dB. If only about 20 dB is good enough for your needs and you want the comfort, custom molded ear plugs are great.