I had a lot of trouble jellyfin and anime until I started putting things into season folders, even if they only had one season. So if I had Ano Hana I’d put the episodes in a folder like this
Media Disk/Anime/Ano Hana/Season 1/episodes_here
If it’s a movie, then it goes into a folder with other movies.
Media Disk/Anime Movies/movies_here
Once I started doing that, Jellyfin automatically recognized most Anime.
With the Ideology DLC you can have a whole colony of monsters!
A nomadic group of nudist cannibals? Go right ahead!
A matriarchal society where men are property and must where burkas? Yes.
Cave dwelling mushroom eaters with an eye gouging ritual since they all crave to be blind. Absolutely!
And that’s all without the families and babies DLC!