In trms of the vibe that the title gives off, I guess. First category is a fairly serious-sounding, usually 1 word title, and the second category seems to be a grab-bag of silly titles and titles where the first word is “______'s”
In trms of the vibe that the title gives off, I guess. First category is a fairly serious-sounding, usually 1 word title, and the second category seems to be a grab-bag of silly titles and titles where the first word is “______'s”
Something about boys maturing slower than girls, I’m sure. Jk it’s what you said
Specifically, it’s percent of adults who have attempted, not completed. I don’t think anyone in this thread is suggesting it’s the latter, but that was my first thought when I saw the statistic so I thonk it’s an important thing to note.
To be fair, that’s just the culture that’s come up around the game. You have to plan how you play if you want to “win” in the first 2 years, but the only thing you get is a few candles lit in your backyard, and you can still “win” in later years if you play more slowly. You absolutely can just plant some stuff around a sprinkler, sleep until they are grown, and do everything you want to do without being at all efficient with it
Sarah and the Safe Word have some absolute bangers
Yeah I used to love this guy’s world record videos, like the ones for DOOM and Goldeneye. He was basically doing the same thing as SummoningSalt but it was entertaining. Then he just became a drama channel which I am not at all interested in.
I’m interested in comparison between the 2 questions. 15% of Republicans think he’s guilty, but 18% approve of the verdict. 86% of democrats think he’s guilty but 88% approve of the verdict. That means that for both parties, there are at least a few people who think he’s not guilty, but regardless approve of him being in legal trouble. I’d like to pick their brains and see what’s up.
Never thought of it that way! What a dystopian world we live in where intelligent conversation dies because there’s no good way to profit off of it.
Fair, I only ever finished one game
Correct! You’re the first person on Lemmy to get the reference
I bet it has to do with the average age of the gaming community getting older. I used to play Civ 5, EU4, CK2 all the time in college, when I have tons of free time and didnt care if I was up until 3 in the morning. Now that I have a life and a job, it takes like a week of 1-2 hour sessions to finish a game of civ 5, and the last time I played EU4, I played for several weeks and didnt even finish.
Yeah pet licenses should definitely be a thing
“Pay us more money to spend less time in the game we made” Yeah I think I’ll just pass on the whole game actually
I miss when his videos were just about the records and not the drama surrounding them
Folding Ideas is my favorite channel, but since someone else already recommended that, I’ll also recommend Thomas Flight. He’s a film nerd, but its all really beautifully explained and he also puts a lot of effort into highlighting things that he likes. His video “Why do Movies Feel So Different Now” was really enlightening.
Oh hell yeah, we just finished this year’s rewatch last night
Become a politician, then sell out to a corporation
Maybe not the actual biggest, but the loss of pirated material that i feel the most sad about is The Trove. The Trove was a website with a huge list of downloadable PDFs of source books for tabletop RPGs. I got the pdfs for everything DND, and also tried a bunch of other games I’d never heard of with a few friends. It also had downloads for other books and documents but I only used it for RPGs. I think it went down in 2019 or so.