They usually aren’t common, but started this year during the summer in SoCal. Likely due to Southern California Edison, but most the locals are peeved. I just want at least some assurance I can have a minute or two, so I can power down.
They usually aren’t common, but started this year during the summer in SoCal. Likely due to Southern California Edison, but most the locals are peeved. I just want at least some assurance I can have a minute or two, so I can power down.
It’s not irrelevant at all, as I’m aware but appreciate you mentioning it. Since it really needs more attention right now.
With that said, I’ll trying to look through Lenovo’s BIOS settings and see if I can find anything related to the issue. I know most companies try locking down over clocking settings. 🤔
And for now, I’m intentionally avoiding using the rig until the Intel update for the issues released, and have a UPS. It’s not optimal, but I’m trying to be patient lol. sigh
Lately I’ve seen 2 brownouts, and fortunately I wasn’t using the computer either time. 🤞
It will mainly be brownout/blackout duty, thanks for responding. 🙏
Mind giving a few examples for what the more sensitive equipment might be? Really appreciate you answering.
Wow, thanks so much for sharing this! It really helps to see it explained.
It sounds like the one for $109 should suffice for my situation then, right? Seeing as it’s just a desktop, essentially.
So I can easily get by with the simulated in my situation? I only plan on using it for my monitor, desktop, modem and router.
Thinking of going with the 1500, despite it costing $170 vs the other one. I do want the ability to log off in a brownout. I still don’t really get sine vs simulated myself, but I’ll trust there’s a logical reason? 🤔
Leaning towards the 1500 myself, but I don’t know much about simulated vs pure sine. The 1500 is $170 and the simulated one is $109. Which is a lot, but I don’t want to end up sorry lol. 🤔
That was sorta my question, while one’s $109 and the others $170. It’s really hard for a newb like myself to know, as I don’t know the difference lol, I live in an area of SoCal with recent brownout’s. So I’m looking for protection. 🤔 Not sure if Simulated will be enough or I’ll be sorely disappointed I didn’t go pure.
Damn. Another reminder prices are ridiculous these days… 😣
Agreed. It’s a great printer, but usually runs around $299, so it’s $100 out of their price range.
I wasn’t aware I was throwing shade, but I do have COVID-19. So I’m sorry if I slacked and my lack of solid sleep for over 3 days peaked out, causing you to reveal you’re an unapologetic jerk lol.
Considering they pass every failing students in the US, it can’t be a surprise here.
I know the feeling, I used PIA for a while but moved to Mullvad.
Immediately made me hear this song:
Those of us on iOS aren’t as lucky. 😢 There was an attempt for iOS, but looks like it’s in development hell.
I know what you mean, my paint job has degraded due to sun damage and the cars general value being worth less than a paint job. So I might as well hold out buying a new car as long as humanly possible. 😣 The cars lasted over 20+ years, so I suppose it’s a win.
Ah I see, well it sounds like I have a lot to learn in this area lol. Not to mention, glad I finally got a UPS. 😳