They get compensated enough to forget.
Happy Holidays
They get compensated enough to forget.
turbolib is a new insult
You have the resolve of a cop trying to solve a crime committed by another cop.
I’m good. I’m a 150 lb six footer. But holiday cookies are still welcome into my hutch. People used to die from just winter coming and starving. Don’t be too disappointed at us for falling for biology.
Enjoy the winter celebrations, my kind OP. And I will continue to work on it, too.
Is this OP’s way of asking the rest of us to send OP holiday snacks ?
Do you need food OP ?
this is so backwards. the republicans are acting like democrats not the other way around
republicans -> MAGAcrats.
“Hypocrisy isn’t illegal, nor is it particularly unusual in politics,” Stewart said Monday about Biden’s pardon. “It’s not like he’s ever going to run again. So why not take care of your kid, even if you said you weren’t gonna? I respect it. I don’t have a problem with it.”
Suck it whiners.
Go pass your own purity tests.
A fella down the street across the county line by one of the lakes is a radiologist who works 14 weeks a year and get $780,000.00/year.
And they bragged about it on /r/salary.
The United States is still a slaver nation if you adjust for inflation.
And tell any doctor that says they, too, want “medicare for all” to STFU. They lying.
you need to put a one brown board for the stink
If one has to look very hard to find it then it is not everywhere.
And that’s tea.
They don’t give a shit about that. They don’t pick up their phones.
They have automated email responses, and if you send them an email you are put on their campaign donation mailing lists.
If you can’t get in their face or them into your back pocket it is not worth it.
Revolution is required at this point.
i’m just trying to decide what a fixie would do with that setup
My man let me introduce you to globalism and people living in refugee camps in South Sudan.
$325K is more money than most of the people in the world for all of history would see in a lifetime.
Wake up to your riches.
Best hurry … Ozempic is destroying the caloric benefit
Game makers that sell new games that aren’t completed (DLC) with DAY 1 launch problems being not only expected but usually the only way a game gets media attention these days is catastrophic launch.
Ortiz said “Stealing is stealing whether you use a computer command or a crowbar, and whether you take documents, data or dollars. It is equally harmful to the victim whether you sell what you have stolen or give it away.”
Why all the hate towards Goodwill ? They are a non-religious, pro-labor, vocational organization that gives everyone a chance at employment through donations and sales of donated goods programs that fund other vocational services as a non-profit.
people treat them like a dumpster. but they are not a dumpster. and they work towards the good with people in difficult situations.
generation “doesn’t want to deal with petabytes of hard drive bullshit just to watch a show”
/side eyes dvd collection
i used to feel badly blocking accounts