“Why does my .docx document look all mess up on my computer?”
“Why does my .docx document look all mess up on my computer?”
You’re making many assumptions over a meme.
Very common in mobile games too.
My dog chewed on one of my Buds 2 Pro earpiece after owning them for two months cause I left the door open. Managed to open the case and everything lol
Social media going full throttle with dead internet theory.
Deleted my 10y+ account, but I mostly scroll/lurk some communities that aren’t prevalent around here still.
It is very apparent how much worse its getting after the API scandal. So many bot posts and karma farming bots. It’s depressing what it has become.
Check with a newer Linux kernel. Starting with v6.6 my Mediatek-based WiFi started seeing 6GHz channels.
Yeah, but all of my friends use it.
Bad UX design is pretty ingrained in many FOSS projects unfortunately.
Kinda saw this coming sooner or later.
I remember asking in one of their articles if they had planned to reign over (or partner up) the project over to Valve once it was ready and said they had no plans.
NVIDIA driver version?
Can’t wait to see this gone in the next 3 years.
OpenBoard + predictive text binary
There’s barely any recycling infrastructure where I live so to the landfill it’ll go…
Be the change you want to see in Lemmy.
Bunch of old Linux nerds (the first to settle in Lemmy) don’t like emojis.
I do agree Discord shouldn’t be used as a Gitlab issue tracker, yet development teams still insists on continuing this practice.
Do you expect your average Discord user to bother going through such hoops?
I mean cool, but good luck convincing the vast majority of users leaving Discord for Matrix.
This development is beneficial for the Linux gaming ecosystem, proprietary be damned.
It also depends on the carrier. Girlfriend has iOS 18 Beta and RCS option is missing.