During the game was a great time to go to ER in my area because the hospital was less busy. Less wait time.
During the game was a great time to go to ER in my area because the hospital was less busy. Less wait time.
Thanks, you put into clear words a lot of my jumbled thoughts and expanded on it. It’s a tough choice for the Beehaw admins with pros and cons either way; a tug-of-war on whether the community is strong enough / has what they need to handle this far from perfect world. It would be a loss from the wider Lemmy community, but based on a few outspoken comments we can see there are also people with a “good riddance” stance.
I think Beehaw needs to do what’s best for them first, as an administrative team and for their core community. When they’re stronger, I’m sure we’ll feel and see their presence on the wider stage. After all, time is intrinsic to progress.
Started playing Lost Judgment, interspersed with Baldur’s Gate 3 whenever I can play with my friend.
Specifically, we chose Lemmy as the software that we would use to launch our endeavor to attempt a safe space for marginalized persons online.
As a relatively non-marginalized person, I think it’s important to focus on this. Beehaw has grown beyond the marginalized group. If Beehaw were to leave Lemmy, the non-marginalized would be fine and can switch to different instances. The marginalized would follow Beehaw for that safe space.
It comes down to the purpose of a safe space. There’s the group of people that want to avoid bigots, and there’s the group that want to be a light unto the world, to effect change.
An example of a little bit of positive Beehaw has had outside of their community would be the influence it has had on me. I’ve read posts from the LGBT+ community that enlightened me to things I’ve never thought about. But I’m also not a bigot, just naive.
The negative is what has prompted these discussions: the bigoted trolls. It’s just not sustainable for the small Beehaw team to moderate everything.
My view is that it’s of utmost importance to maintain the safe space for the marginalized. Of those marginalized who want to connect outside the safe space, they are free to engage in Lemmy/Reddit and spread their light.
What would I do? I would find a new instance and continue to be receptive to LBGT+ discussions that come up on Lemmy. I don’t feel right asking Beehaw to stay on Lemmy at the cost of keeping marginalized people safe from bigots. They deserve to be able to talk about things without having bigots come at them; to be able to laugh and cry and vent and have others understand—especially with the US Right becoming more brazen in their persecution of this community.
Just my 2 cents.
Ubuntu 9.04. Jaunty Jackelope in 2009. Started by dual booting my Windows laptop. XP mainstream support ended that year, and I didn’t want to upgrade to Vista, nor could my laptop handle 7.
Trying to finish FF7R and Intergrade in time for BG3.
Utah and LDS
Pam: they’re the same picture
My hair!
Honestly, I’m kind of scared. How does roughly half the US garner so much hatred for the “other,” those different from them? It’s always been there, but it’s way more widespread than I thought. These so-called Christians can go to hell if they profess to go against their Jesus’ teachings.
I would try it! Made me think of Taiwanese xiao long bao and buns that can be made as entrees (meats and veggies) or as desserts (taro, chocolate, red bean, etc).
Kim Jong Un is actually singing Katy Perry’s “Firework” in his head
I miss eating spicy food. I’ve cut out a lot of it because of the acid reflux it gives me.
In my early 20s I lifted a TV with my back because I didn’t know better. The back pains seem to come back more frequently these days.
I used to play so much tennis. Any injuries now seem to take forever to heal.
Might I add that this month CDC issued a letter that leprosy may be endemic to Florida now.
And back in June there were cases of locally acquired Malaria. FYI, U.S. malaria cases are typically acquired from international travel.
I don’t have much hope with respect to Florida’s Public Health, with DeSantis appointing the state surgeon general Joseph Ladapo who has cherry picked science research to push an agenda, wholly ignoring what the research actually concluded.
Spongebob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated. Wanted to play something silly and and stress-relieving. This fit the bill.
What build are you going for? I keep gravitating towards Skill because I love doing visceral attacks.
You’ve convinced me to start Hollow Knight next.
I agree about Kena, which I finished a couple months ago. I liked it, but IIRC I didn’t enjoy the parrying in particular, especially compared to Sekiro. Didn’t feel as polished.
I know, it’s pathetic. AT&T holding a steady $40-45/mo while Comcast increases every year.
I personally like Mullvad, their practices, and their straightforward price of 5€/month. They’re not going to try to lure you in with discounts by subscribing for multiple months or years. Now if Mullvad has gone downhill, someone chime in.