Matt Risinger’s channel was pretty good when he first started but the last few I’ve watched seem like nothing but commercials. I haven’t watched his stuff in a while so I gave it a shot on a recent video and remembered why I stopped watching.
Matt Risinger’s channel was pretty good when he first started but the last few I’ve watched seem like nothing but commercials. I haven’t watched his stuff in a while so I gave it a shot on a recent video and remembered why I stopped watching.
I definitely agree about the vibe being different in the mid 90s to the early 00s. Lots of passion and energy about the tech. I don’t think it’s all gone but it’s definitely nowhere near as intense.
This is way too accurate.
I agree but I doubt if this were a well written article it would get anywhere near the exposure it’ll get on YouTube.
The sad thing is Ron White fans think he’s talking about people who take vaccines. It wouldn’t surprise me if he was anti vaccine.
“Broke” isn’t really tye right word. The protocol exists and could be used but companies like Google added proprietary atuff that made it impossible to use it as an open universal “system”.
Didn’t we already have this for a breid shining moment with XMPP before Google and others broke it?
This happened to my wife and I with season 4 or Ozark. Fortunately I found a well made video on YouTube that summarized Seasons 1-3. I was amazed at how much stuff we had forgotten.
“It is better to wake up and pee than pee and wake up”
I work in telecom. Currently I’m working with the group that pre-wires large apartment complexes. When we first started doing this everyone was all about the Zip systems. I’ve noticed in the last 18 months they’re all back to normal OSB and house wrap. And it’s like “Zip- meh”. It was so hyped 6 years aggo. Risinger was one of the firat I swe hyping Zip and like you said its only gotten worse.