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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • I tried to download a music video on limewire once. I was pretty computer illiterate back then and around 13 years old at the time when a friend at school showed me how to download things.

    That music video turned out to be a woman being murdered at point blank range. It was ~5 seconds of my life but that video has never left my mind. It was far too early for video editing and far too ‘amateur’ to be a movie production. The way she begged for the guy to stop before he pulled the trigger, it was definitely real.

  • I mean looking at it upon first glance, it looks fine?

    I mean, what’s “10 years old” anyway? “Vampire Survivors” came out in 2023, has retro graphics and plays really well. Arkham City came out in 2011 and still holds up well graphically today, especially considering Gotham knights is a thing lmao.

    I’m not too crazy about the look of the game, but it has to play well. Starfield feels like an old game to play because all those loading screens aren’t something I’m expecting in 2023. The cumbersome inventory management and poor decisions make it feel like it came out over 10 years ago.

    A lot of scrutiny on this title. Any criticism will be well deserved, good or bad.

  • Things got busy so I haven’t been active for a while. I’m sorry waiting for my reply kept you up at night long enough that you were compelled to make a follow-up response /s

    I doubt you smashed my post though. I’m not on Lemmy to ‘score points’ either. I want to advise, learn and be educated on topics that interest me. Others seemed to disagree with you so I’m not holding my breath lol, though in a well reasoned argument, there are always good points made on both sides and I’d be interested to get back to you on that.

    I’m sure there is a strong correlation between social distancing and incidence rates of COVID. New Zealand did well to demonstrate that, despite a smaller population. I don’t believe it caused the virus to evolve. I do believe it caused the virus to devolve though; the virus kept mutating, but the most virulent stains coincided with the toughest social distancing measures. Nowadays the strain of COVID affects only the most vulnerable, and to most, its symptoms are akin to a cold, and therefore social distancing measures aren’t necessary.

  • I’m so bored of people like you.

    It’s like when a child grabs a pair of scissors and you need to politely educate them that it’s dangerous. We’re bored of it too, trust me. But we keep doing it because it saves lives.

    Like you say, COVID is weaker

    It is weaker. Precisely because of the efforts of governments to isolate, observe social distancing and wear masks. If they’d done a better job to address it sooner, and if people like you chose being mildly inconvenienced over saving lives, who knows? COVID might have been eradicated altogether.

    yet you’re linking the death toll from when it was actually a serious problem as though that applies today in equal measure.

    I’m simply highlighting the fact that it’s not a mild illness. People who are older, and those whose immune systems are weakened due to other diseases e.g. cancer are absolutely still dying of COVID. We’re in flu season, going into a cold winter. The governments aren’t enforcing lockdown and isolating and aren’t reporting the rise in COVID cases. Go to any hospital and ask them how bad it is already. People are still dying my dude.

    At the height of COVID, there were people hooked up to respirators, still absolutely defiant that COVID even existed, refusing the vaccine even as it took their lives. Death by stupidity. I still can’t believe people like you exist. Take the virus seriously and it’ll disappear. Ignore it and governments will be forced to enforce lockdown again.

  • I always got downvoted for saying it too on a PIRACY sub! Shits wild.

    Is it? It sounds more like the people on the privacy subs had morals and knew their limits.

    If you go to the bar and the bartender says “drinks are on the house!”, you’re still not going to go and order every single drink on the menu. You’re not going to go off and drink yourself under the table, just because you personally don’t have to pay for it. You understand that there’s an opportunity to have something for free and you respectfully take up the offer and enjoy yourself.

    Yes, video game practices are often downright toxic: Paying DLC for content that’s already on your PC/ Disk. Unfinished games, loot boxes, low quality remasters, buggy releases - I get it. I’m not going to spend $70 of my hard earned money on some crap and have it be half the product I was promised, or have DRM that prevents me from playing the game further into the future.

    But what about great indie titles like Baldurs Gate 3? Where’s the justification there? It’s some honest Devs who put everything into an amazing product. Why not spend the money you’ve saved up on other piracies on a well-deserved title?

    Some smaller indie titles need every sale. It literally pays for their livelihood. Why pirate their work too?

    There’s honour among thieves. There’s a code to not screw over the people who are making games for the love of it. If you don’t care about any of that, fine. But don’t go around bragging about it like it’s your God-given right to steal.

    Stealing everything from everyone isn’t something you should be proud of. We all can’t afford a lot of things atm, and that’s understandable. But there are people out there trying to afford stuff by selling those very same games. Have a bit of respect for the game.

  • This. I rarely if ever saw a bug, even on release.

    My gripes with the game had more to do with the features we were missing: a metro system, character customisation (hair stylist, tattoo artists, visible cyberware modification, cyberpsychosis, car customisation…), a gang reputation system, meaningful lifepath repercussions, like being able to join a gang as a streetkid, or own a cool car/apartment as corpo, or have your own custom tricked out car as a nomad…

    The game feels much better than it did - driving was not great at release, and the perks you unlock now actually feel impactful and meaningful, but I still would have liked some of those features included.