I find the cold water refreshing. That said, I’ve never tried a heated one.
I find the cold water refreshing. That said, I’ve never tried a heated one.
Same here. Just seemed like the right choice.
The reasoning for it is that male chickens are near worthless. They fight and injure themselves and others. They don’t taste very good and most people won’t eat them therefore they aren’t worth the feed to fatten them up for slaughter.
The solution is to kill them as quickly and humanely as possible. The shredder looks bad but they die instantly, no pain, no suffering. Their bodies are then used in products such as dog and cat food.
It’s what happens with a small community. Interaction and discussion VS lowest common denominator humour for mass votes.
We all want Lemmy to succeed, but that only means that it’ll turn back into reddit. It’s the natural cycle of social media.
Funny how even the small wave is enough to take down the city 🤣. I hope Lemmy can grow to be my primary time waster. There’ll be downtime and hiccups, but I’m a patient man.
The planet continent shape is the down low finger circle ‘made ya look now I punch you’ shape