I dunno man, doing both at once is amazing
Mmmm… butter… (Fs)
Could just put “logical fallacies” in there and call it a day. “Cognitive biases” too.
At least? I’m convinced they have a moral obligation to do so much more than that.
I would chalk that up to adrenaline. Also the pain depends on where the break is. If the muscles around the broken bone are spasming, then the two halves of the bone are going to be grinding against each other. That’s why we use a splint in first aid.
Goats are goated though.
They are our protection against the holy army who are coming to rapture (kidnap) us.
Hail the goat.
“You wouldn’t download a car”
The riffs are by design, but season 3 and 4 have a censored TV version and uncensored bluray version.
Hopefully the upcoming complete set fixes this.
Of course, my pleasure! And now a nice hard pick can be your pleasure too. Just be sure you get it deep in there to get your back teeth, and remember to use the tip.
The entire series?
I can’t find S1&2 without guitar riffs.
And some episodes in season 2 are “half censored” (you can still hear the guitar riff). Those episodes also don’t have vocals during the music.
Uncensored Metalocalypse with perfect subtitles.
Floss picks, or floss sticks?
I use these ones: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/cXwAAOSwkMhfKe5i/s-l300.jpg
I like these ones because they keep the floss tight for a long time. Other picks I’ve tried go flaccid mid clean. Nothing worse than a floppy pick in your mouth.
Lol downvote and move on.
P.S. if you call other people kids, the default assumption people make is that you’re actually a kid. Just giving some constructive feedback, buddy.
What are seatbelts? Seriously, though. I wear my seatbelt once every 6 months when I drive to the mechanic. Never any other time and I’ve NEVER been launched out of my windshield during a catastrophic 16 car pileup. Needing to wear a seatbelt is a conspiracy based on anecdotal evidence of one 32 yr old male (me) by big automobile to scare you into looking like a pussy.
Do yourself a favour and buy some biodegradable floss picks. String is a fucking nightmare.
I already live in a house I don’t own.
The real question is, would I prefer not to pay far out the ass to live here?
What are the downsides to living in affordable government accommodation, as opposed to paying for the house over thirty years, and giving the bank a small fortune in interest?
“UBI and stripping 1% isn’t communism”
Sorry, I forgot that redistributing the wealth from the 1% and providing everyone with equal opportunity is not the entire premise of communism. You’re right, my bad.
“I don’t see how that could ever go over well”
Yes… That’s the idea…
Political theory points towards communism being the best and most likely outcome.
Things like UBI are going to be necessary soon due to AI.
Now strip the 1% of their wealth. What does that sound like?
Grab Om-by-da Pussy