Here is the official list of nextcloud providers that do the setup and maintenance for you:
Here is the official list of nextcloud providers that do the setup and maintenance for you:
I’m using fedora as my work system, because I have a relatively new laptop that needs the new kernels. Haven’t experienced anything you’re describing. Are you on fedora regular or on sliverblue (the immutable version)? If you’re having issues running the newest kernel, follow the fedora documented way to build and run your own. I did just that when needed a prerelease kernel and it worked out fine. I usually upgrade to a new release by the end of the cycle, so that the new version had 6 months to mature. I never immediately upgrade.
Its a surprise to me that a reddit post or any kind of random text blurb can be used as an admission of anything. What if the guy simply says I made all that up for fun? There is no requirement for text written on the internet to be under oath. Edit: fixed spelling oauth -> oath ;)
I use sway because it gives me 4 hours more battery life compared to gnome.
This is satire right? Right?