It feels like the dlc wasn’t playtested at all, at least not on monsoon
It feels like the dlc wasn’t playtested at all, at least not on monsoon
A check is more convenient than cash. I can deposit it with my phone.
I wish they had an eGolf comparable to the Bolt and the Leaf.
I do love fuck
When you set it up you tell it which command you want. Default is “cdi” but I changed it to “cd” immediately.
Yes, every day. I don’t know what you’re referring to.
Trump is more Zapp Brannigan
Changing settings, changing tools. Hell, they could have made a modern one playing as Lucy or Desmond and interwoven it with Watch Dogs.
But people liked the first 3/4 games for the story and the movement. The Ezio trilogy is pretty much the same game three times! Make good stories and keep/improve on the core mechanics and they would have been successful.
That was a symptom. The only inspired thing in Revelation was the bombs.
Rogue was barely advertised and the concurrent release with unity was doomed. Unity was so full of bugs (and there was the whole sexual assault scandal) that Ubisoft lost a ton of goodwill before syndicate.
They fired the lead designer in the middle of Brotherhood because he didn’t want to push shit games and you feel it. The only good things in Revelation is nostalgia and the bombs. After that you lost the parkour in 3 (although Rogue has some).
I’m tentatively hopeful with Mirage but I don’t expect the Japan one to be any good.
I landed on oh-my-bash, zoxide and some other utilities. It really improved my terminal experience.
That sounds great but I don’t want to keep the ‘rm’ muscle memory in case I’m on another computer and delete something important. Having to use ‘trash’ instead makes you more conscious when it errors out.
Alias rm to echo and install trash. Saved me many times.
Yeah at this point I’ve aliased ‘rm’ to nothing and exclusively use ‘trash’.
And then there’s weird people like me that prefered Vista and 8.1 over 7 and 10.
A lot of people are telling you to not use manjaro and to use endeavour instead. I’ve been using manjaro for 6 years and it’s fine, in the end they offer very similar user experience.
For package management, I do everything with yay now. Just calling it on it’s own will update everything, with keywords it will search and ask you what to install. The only flag you have to know is -R to uninstall.
For the shell bash is perfectly fine, but if you want more features take a look at ohmybash.
I’ve been running it on my work laptop for 6 years at this point and I’ve had no major issues I couldn’t solve.
Having said that, I recently switched my gaming rig over to endeavour and it’s been great.
I’m a scientist that has been coding almost exclusively in Python for the past decade and I strongly disagree.
Python is great at being the glue that holds everything together, and everything crunchy part of the program is being handled by a library anyways.
I code with two terminals, one for iPython and one for vim. And you don’t need anything else. The beauty of Python is that it’s not a language that is so full of boilerplate that you need an IDE to type it for you to be remotely productive.
Overall, Python is a language made to be used by people that need to make something that just works and don’t need to spend years learning programming paradigms and industry practices. Fortran and C are so unwieldy in comparison and everything more modern lacks the expansive and diverse libraries of Python.
I’ve been using Manjaro for about 7 years at this point. I’ve had issues maybe 5 times, and nothing I couldn’t fix.