No the joke is, “Orange is the new black” is a name of a netflix show. Idk if they made it but they stream it. About women’s prison. Well and Donald is orange soo
No the joke is, “Orange is the new black” is a name of a netflix show. Idk if they made it but they stream it. About women’s prison. Well and Donald is orange soo
reddit post about possibly uncalibrated speed meters
Google is the source of most of the funding to Firefox. Can go 100 to 0 anytime basically
Not exactly the answer for the question you ask but you mention yunohost… i recently installed it and it was impossible from their iso. Install debian first and then use it to install yunohost there
They will be recreated here and in higher quality for the time being
2 people, one of which is your relative and the other drug dealer I imagine
Imagine the position of your hand working with it in the center vs offset