You can always make patchfiles and apply those.
Instead of rebasing, consider a new brach and then cherry picking commits.
You can always make patchfiles and apply those.
Instead of rebasing, consider a new brach and then cherry picking commits.
PyCharm is the way to go to write Python.
On iOS, I use the website with Safari with 1blocker to block the ads. Works well.
It’s an interactive checklist.
Yes, SQLite is the most well known and likely biggest project using it.
I have used it for smaller projects and found it quite refreshing and useable
If you’re not stuck on git, give fossil a try. It’s a distributed source code version control with an integrated bug tracker, wiki, forum, and more. All that in in one 3 MB sized binary.
It can even mirror to GitHub and export/import git repositories.
It’s very easy to host yourself.
Self hosting git repos can be super minimal. If you don’t have a lot of users or repos, just use ssh. Hell you can host a repo on a local SMB network share eben.
Programming languages come with their own niches, tools, culture, and history. Gradle has lots of verbosity, complexity, and so on. It’s a build system and a dependency manager in one. Other languages separate these duties.
A cultural preference for tools written in specific languages or available for specific platforms exists as well. Lots of C/C++ programmers dislike everything Java. They will cite performance and philosophy. They ask why should they install and manage JVM versions and installs for a task they can do with a make file, a shell script, and Conan/vcpkg.
Not even all Java folks use gradle. maven and ant ant are still around and I’ve seen someone write Java build tasks using rake.
Peaceful exploration
Ur is used in German a lot to signify something being ancient or the origin.
Großvater means grandfather. Urgroßvater means great-grandfather.
Ursuppe - Primordial soup
Urknall - Big Bang
Ursprung - Origin
English uses it as a loan word and prefix.
Using licenses to take a political stance is a valid idea. It’s even worthwhile, if there’s little uptake for it. Signaling opposition even if it’s symbolic only, has some value.
An aggressively scraping AI company could easily ignore it and it would be hard to prove a violation.
For a small project I recently switched to fossil from git. It’s also distributed version control, but includes a bug tracker, wiki, and other stuff as well. It’s minimalist, but hosting yourself is super easy.
Default git over ssh is often enough as well. Combine with any bug tracker and CI you like. You don’t need to use an all in one tool like GitHub.
The radio stations were extremely good. I still listen to the soundtrack at times.
A lot of the software that makes JavaScript web development possible is C or C++, like web servers, databases, operating systems, network devices.
Composition is far better and immensely more flexible than inheritance. Extracting duplicate code into helper classes or static functions is a good option.
Conformance to interfaces or protocols with default implementations is a great alternative as well.
I like OOP more than other styles, it’s just often badly done. Complex inheritance, huge classes that do too much, overuse of factories and similar patterns, can ruin it.
HDR images will look better. Colors will be normalized to the ones your screen can display.
Color Management Related to the above — and to ensure consistent colors across monitors — we’ve implemented more complete support for the Wayland color management protocol, and enabled it by default.
We have also improved brightness handling for HDR and ICC profiles, as well as HDR performance. This will improve your experience when designing graphics, playing games, and watching videos.
This is the biggest improvement by far.
GIMPshop used to exist for that purpose.
Yes, it targets old operating systems. Old browsers don’t have the right certificates installed, nor do they support current encryption algorithms and protocols.
I have looked into i2p and find it not easy to understand and use. I have yet to download something successfully using it.Confused it with ipfs.