Is it really a racket though? Most artists are not tech geeks and desire cultivated feeds instead of … none.
Is it really a racket though? Most artists are not tech geeks and desire cultivated feeds instead of … none.
Which rolls back to the original comment. If their first party app is indeed that profitable where’s the marketing and promotion towards potential buyers?
It’s probably best to take this whole graph with a grain of salt. There’s already some questionable relationships in it, like for every 4th Manjaro user coming in a Gentoo user, which I find hard to believe to say the list.
Second, it’s hard to say Pop exclamation mark underscore OS is on the decline when the whole field just looks more diversified in general. Sure the hype around gaming distros from the lockdowns seems to have cooled down a bit, but there isn’t any distro that just disappeared. On the contrary, it seems to have gotten just more.
As already mentioned, we can expect another hype again when Cosmic DE launches.
You have no idea what a Nazi is and your usage only waters down its meaning.