7 months agoIs there anything else for me to do on the island? Is it big enough to go hiking, can you swim in the ocean, or is there just a desk and a chair and you have to play all day while not eating/sleeping? Because if that was the case, I’d choose some sports game, probably Nintendo’s Ring Fit Adventure, but I don’t know any alternatives. Sitting at the desk 16 hours a day would be quite uncomfortable after a while. Other than that my choices have already been named: Factorio (can I wait till October please, before you send me off to that island 🙏. I can’t wait 5 more years for the expansion!) and KSP.
I’m planning to upgrade my Linux system with a new graphics card soon, and the only reason I’m actually still considering Nvidia is CUDA. It just seems so much easier, and so much more broadly supported by software. But maybe that’s just because I’ve never tried it.