r/losercity leaking
r/losercity leaking
Sheiiiiit, i had same thing, broke completely after update
That’s why only gpl like licences is viable for opensource, because look at freebsd, Apple uses it, Sony uses it, and many others, but did they contributed back as much as Google and others did to Linux? Nah
If not shamed then sometimes more intimate
Does it work with not rooted phone?
Thanks for clarification)
Yeah, i remember something like that, i don’t remember exactly which kernel version it was when they removed it
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bcachefs it was added as of Linux 6.7
Edit: and I’ve said raid 5/6 as what troubles btrfs have so you proved my point while trying to explain to me that I’m not right
Raid 5/6, only bcachefs will solve it
Back in the day morrowind was unoptimised too, https://kotaku.com/morrowind-completely-rebooted-your-xbox-during-some-loa-1845158550
Install Linux on both ps4 and switch and selfhost something on them
Many people claim to have NPD nowadays, as a person who grew up in NPD household i say these people who claim to be NPD haven’t met REAL NPD persons yet, since NPD persons is akin to cold blooded psychopath that wants to control EVERYTHING and have EVERYONE sympathy on their side, even getting out of NPD household is insurmountable task for most people, so what I’m trying to say, these people who claim to be BPD or/and NPD are don’t know what REAL NPD/BPD persons is behind the closed doors