Havent tried Lutris but had success on some games outside of steam with bottles and the proton environment there.
Havent tried Lutris but had success on some games outside of steam with bottles and the proton environment there.
Its not that bad but the most time you spend on installation is opting out of services. This takes up like 75% of the install time :D
Joplin works well for me.
Opera one has messengers integrated in the sidebar. Really nice concept but PWA and masto lemmy etc are missing as an option.
I tried quay.io/go-skynet/local-ai but my Server lacks the Cpu instruction set for it.
In short, there have been key signing issues multiple times in the past that. That were the most notable problems from the user side.
Running three instances with KDE that are unproblematic.
Its a collection of models you can download. It acts as a simple gui entry point into the llm world. Great to test different stuff.
GTA 5 runs ont he PS3 and its still the current GTA title. I was impressed recently with the graphics of MGS4. I bought it used many years ago for 120 eur in good condition.
Hmm on desktop at least not working for me except maybe per gestures?
Installed lemmy and elk.zone as pwa via vivaldi. Lemmy only misses the back button.
Yes but let me finish DS2 first <3