We don’t have BSD communities and even if we did they probably wouldn’t be big enough to get a decent answer.
So I asked here cos there’s a high chance that some Linux users will also know something about *BSD.
Why Logseq over Obsidian?
That game was fucking magical.
Shove the rest up your arse!
Make more Okami Capcom!! You can have my middle-aged soul!
That’s what’s kinda weird. If it popped out of any other part of my body I’d say it was a lot like an infected hair follicle.
It was a solid-waxy pus ball/sack.
Even getting it out was weird - I couldn’t use my fingers cos it just disappeared into my lip. So I had to push my lip into my mouth and use my teeth behind it to push this pus-ball out onto my tongue!
Probs difficult to picture but imagine the move you do if/when picking bits of your lip off with your teeth. Biting your lips basically but instead emptying what looks like a sebacious cyst onto your tongue below.
I’m gonna keep an eye on it since some seem to say it’s HPV/cold sore.
No ones mentioned cancer or something exotic so I’m feeling better for my chances! 😂
Sing HOSANA to the king of KINGS!
@cypherpunks@lemmy.ml should summon the guy to read this…