It should be renamed to GLIMPSE. Gnu/Linux Image Manipulation Program Special Edition
It should be renamed to GLIMPSE. Gnu/Linux Image Manipulation Program Special Edition
This. Working class means you need to work to survive. The elite loves to drive wedges into this idea so that there is less solidarity.
It’s also a form of othering. You are different and they are establishing why
I’d love to see a side by side comparison between this and vanilla Gnome. Also MATE. Also Gnome2
Olive oil helps too
An open world Transformers game
I thought about giving the gift back? Who is he?
I use it, big fan! I can’t compare it, though.
Great article!
Call centers are definitely cancers
Door closed, window open.
Oh yeah, that reminds me of IAMX
The regional governors bots now have direct control over territories trending topics.
Regular re-affirmation. Yes