Is it handy to have some even if you’re not a user and aren’t regularly around users? What else does the course cover? I took a brief look on the website and couldn’t find an FAQ or something like that.
Is it handy to have some even if you’re not a user and aren’t regularly around users? What else does the course cover? I took a brief look on the website and couldn’t find an FAQ or something like that.
Fornite is no longer a game it’s a platform for games. I wonder if shitty movie tie-in games are now going to be shitty movie tie-in games, but they’re on Fortnite.
Security through obscurity isn’t security.
I’m going to refer to myself as USB-B from now on
Thank you for posting the solution you found. If you don’t mind, what OS are you using?
I use vim btw
They posted it to any community that had “music” in the name regardless of if it fit. Either a spam bot or those annoying people who think more is always better when it comes to getting your name out there.
PHP stands for “PHP Hypertext Processor”. The PHP in that stands for “PHP Hypertext Processor”. This pattern repeats infinitely.
It got lost in PHP’s infinite recursion initials
Oh I see, I misread the announcement then.
That isn’t what happened according to the queer.af admins. They decided to let the domain registration lapse cause they didn’t want to support that government fiscally even indirectly.
It’s definitely a rule that can be taken so far that it is counterproductive, but I think it’s good practice to thbk about how I could use something other than a raw string ( even if it’s just a constant defined somewhere )
If offline mode was already an option this is especially shitty to cut off the product from people who bought it
Thank God we have you to police people’s use of hyperbole. I would’ve never known that this wasn’t actually worse than the Holocaust without you very valuable input.
If you have to be in the industry to criticize something then I guess we need to remove all online reviews since who knows RiverrFucker69’s credentials.
Cause it’s good to know of something is an installed package at a glance. I also imagine it would reduce the risk of accidentally overwriting your own scripts if the packages happen to have the same name as your local scripts.
Well I guess if you need scripts to work in a mixed Windows/Linux environment that makes sense. On the other hand the few times I have to touch powershell it’s so verbose and cryptic at the same time, so I think I’ll stick with bash personally.
Is the secret the penguin walk?
It’s getting into the realm of law where the answer is almost always “it depends”
I’ve got some shipping to my house now.