no one actually gives a fuck
Considering the fuss people make about gender neutral terms, as well as the whole master/slave, blacklist/whitelist thing, I’d say it’s not totally improbable.
no one actually gives a fuck
Considering the fuss people make about gender neutral terms, as well as the whole master/slave, blacklist/whitelist thing, I’d say it’s not totally improbable.
There’s plenty of stories online . It’s all automated and if it decides you’re bad, you’re out. No questions asked, no appeals.
Google search it up and you’ll find many more.
How long until Google says “fuck it” and outright starts banning adblock users? Considering how deep a lot of people are into the Google ecosystem, this is potentially devastating. Imagine losing access to you email, photos, etc., with no way to appeal. Good luck if you want to actually speak to anyone human at Google.
Advanced > Media viewer >
You can also use emojis in computer and user names in active directory. Trust me, the network guys love it!
C Deez nutz