In Australia Woolies and Coles are artificially jacking prices up, this isn’t about wages but about corporate greed using inflation as a disguise to rip off literally everyone. Instead they should be forced to lower prices.
In Australia Woolies and Coles are artificially jacking prices up, this isn’t about wages but about corporate greed using inflation as a disguise to rip off literally everyone. Instead they should be forced to lower prices.
Dude this isn’t reddit, chill out and actually contribute to discussions, don’t just go around insulting people no one likes that.
This is the most Phoronix forums like comment I have seen so far LOL
A legitimate practical use is anonymised online transactions using cryptocurrencies designed for such purposes (like Monero)
I just tried it myself, to get from the homepage to the amd64 installer file download link, it is exactly 7 clicks. This is a flaw in Debian that needs to be resolved, as not everyone has access to internet off the bat due to some wifi chip makers (COUGH realtek COUGH) not having very nice Linux support. A general re-design of the website to modernise it would be a good way for Debian to freshen itself up and attract new installers. Sadly, I am a systems programmer and not a web developer, so I am unable to personally contribute much :(
It will just refuse to download anything in your client, plus there are sites that let you check your IP when you torrent.
I was reading the comments and I was so confused LOL.
Does proton’s VPN free tier not block p2p file sharing usage?
This was me, until I discovered Super Tux Kart a few months ago. I play at least 2 hours a day of that game.
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I’s : No# images attached to replies of that post
Awesome, thanks for the confirmation!
I have used Tumbleweed prior as a daily driver with an Nvidia 1050ti. From memory, you will have to enable a repo, and that’s about it. openSUSE also has YaST which will help significantly with managing this sort of stuff for your install. The gaming experience on openSUSE was pretty much issueless for me.
You know how writers get paid fuck all for the movies they write? You know how animators are paid criminally low wages for the anime they produce? At the end of the day for most media it’s the companies that get all the money, not the artists. Therefore, fuck them, I am pirating your content not contributing to your profit margins.