I found this, maybe it is a suitable solution? https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/408348
I found this, maybe it is a suitable solution? https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/408348
Since I had to deal with some representatives of SUSE corp, I can say that the whole experience was just plain horrible. Don‘t like that company at all and thus am not surprised that the name change topic is even discussed at all.
The issue with COBOL surely isn‘t about the language itself. The real challenge will be to decipher the spaghetti code that was created at a company in the last sixty or so years. And then to dare changing something without breaking the program as a whole.
Have a smartphone ready and record a video clip when/if it happens again.
You could setup a new, empty VM and use it as a download only machine for packages, although it makes the process a bit more complicated.