@onlinepersona Q. What change would you like to see in tech?
A. No more surveys about what changes I would like to see.
That which is not good for the swarm,
🐝 neither is it good for the bee.
… Marcus Aurelius
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#SmolNet and #Retro tool hobbyist. Interested in novel cryptosystems and all things #cryptography or #cryptology. Senior Fellow of Squeal Team ADHD and Eminent Honorable Fellow Emeritus of the Autiste Trivia Brigades.
Cliff Clavin is the Brigade mascot.
@onlinepersona Q. What change would you like to see in tech?
A. No more surveys about what changes I would like to see.
@onlinepersona I’d like to see less skinny-jeans male faux feminists in tech and more big-chested manly men. I would also like to see less dishonest feminized virtue-signalling from soydev bugmen about what great feminist egalitarians they are. We all know that’s bullshit.
@leo Firefox keeps locking up the RAM. Good job, Mozilla. I need to install 128 GB of RAM just to use your browser.
@leo Leo, you have Stockholm syndrome. Linux Desktop is a disaster.
@theshatterstone54 @buzz The rumors are real. I’ve tested Wayland on several distros on several machines and it has always been a disaster. On Debian Bookworm KDE on a FRESH install, the first thing I did was open the Discover app and it crashed. Every time I opened it the compositor took a dump.
Wayland is garbage and its apologists have an agenda. Their agenda does not include working software.
@Laser My experience is representative for enough people to show that Linux Desktop is a mess and is not suitable for production work. I don’t identify myself by my choice of software. I just want to get work done.
@theshatterstone54 > “Reason for that being that Wayland is built with Linux in mind and would not work under FreeBSD without a lot of effort bwing put in as it uses some Linux-specific components or libraries.”
Not so. FreeBSD is 100% Linux compatible and has Linux Kernel emulation built in. Wayland support is also built in to FreeBSD. FreeBSD is a much superior operating system compared to Linux. But the FreeBSD team only cares about the server aspects and really does not care about a graphical desktop. They tend to use Macs.
The state of Linux Desktop interface is a schizophrenic flustercuck with far too many cooks spoiling the stew. They’re not just spoiling the stew; they’re pooping in it. And a bunch of noveu-riche trust-fund baby nerds think this is cool. They don’t give a rat’s ass about the end user being able to get work done. They would rather we all waste our time filing bug reports rather than getting things done.
@leo KDE with Wayland was all crashy when I tried it. If Wayland windowing is as buggy and crashy as their browser we’ll all need to switch to Windows or Mac just to get any work done.
@onlinepersona +1
prima donnas like Stewey on In Living Color: “Look what I kandoo!”